We are pleased to announce that Petr Zverkhovsky became the winner of the 21st competition “Tsaritsyn Muse”! Our congratulations to the artist! We wish Petr Zverkhovsky new masterpieces and, of course, good health and long years of creative life!
Petr Zverkhovsky winner of the 21st Tsaritsyn Muse Competition
Petr Zverkhovsky winner of the 21st Tsaritsyn Muse Competition
Petr Zverkhovsky winner of the 21st Tsaritsyn Muse Competition
Petr Zverkhovsky winner of the 21st Tsaritsyn Muse Competition
Petr Zverkhovsky winner of the 21st Tsaritsyn Muse Competition
Petr Zverkhovsky winner of the 21st Tsaritsyn Muse Competition
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