23 July 2022

A new future for a bright past

Round table on the conservation / re-usage of the Soviet mosaics in Volgograd Region

There is a time to collect stones, there is a time to scatter them, and there is a time to think about how to reassemble the scattered debris into what they once were, or how to make something new and useful out of them. July 29, 2022, at 17:00 in the lobby of the creative business space LOFT1890, a round table will be held on preservation (or finding options for a new use?) of heritage of the Volgograd muralists of the 1960-2000s Mikhail Pyshta, Pavel Shardakov, Petr Zverkhovsky, Gennady Chernoskutov and other artists. This event is held jointly by the Seven Winds Charitable Art Foundation, the Volgograd regional branch of VOOPIIK and LOFT1890. We called our event “A New Future for a Bright Past” and we really hope that this future is possible.

As part of the Zverkhovsky Year Project of our foundation, we will focus on the mosaics of Petr Zverkhovsky and introduce the audience to the murals sketches of this remarkable artist, which he donated to our collection. We will talk about some “forgotten” murals in Volgograd and Volgograd region (playgrounds, stops and pioneer camps), and we will think together about the possibilities of preservation of mosaics and other monumental and decorative objects separately from the buildings and structures for which they were originally created (post-usage and re-usage concepts).

P. Zverkhovsky. Mosaic sketch for TDN factory building (1975)

We want to demonstrate positive cases of the preservation of Soviet mosaics in our region (“Volgogradavtodor” and VRMDOO “Participation”), to analyze critical points of negative scenarios ( G.Chernoskutov’s mosaic in the Fischer hospital). We will also discuss practical steps and constructive actions that contribute to the preservation of monumental and decorative heritage or finding options for their post-usage within the changing social, cultural and urban conditions of the present and the near future.

Considering the actual situation around specific objects, we will make special emphasis on the mosaics of M. Pyshta (the new building of the central market and the former tourist station), the mosaics of P. Zverkhovsky on the building of the former TdN factory and the mosaics of P. Shardakov on the former VGTZ building and conference Hall of the Caustic plant.

Free admission.