The opening of the personal anniversary exhibition of one of the brightest and most famous Volgograd artists Gleb Vyatkin took place today in the central hall of the Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts. Contrary to the expectations, this is not a retrospective exhibition. The main part of show consists of more than fifty new works created by the artist over the past five years, which are only complemented by canvases from earlier stages of his artistic career. In the newest paintings, the artist once again demonstrates his creative freedom and, at the same time, loyalty to his chosen path.
“Gleb Vyatkin has always worked without regard for authorities, the market and fashion. This is how he has always been and remains,” Varvara Ozerina, director of the Volgograd Mashkov Museum of Fine Arts, opened the exhibition with these words. She said that now the paintings and graphic works of Gleb Vyatkin are represented in the State Russian Museum, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, the Perm State Art Gallery, the Saratov Radishchev State Museum and other public and private collections. The artist Gleb Vyatkin has earned undoubted recognition. The Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts has six works of the artist, which the museum is proud of. The Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts has six works of the artist, which the museum is proud of.
Varvara Ozerina expressed gratitude to the Seven Winds Foundation for many years of cooperation. The exhibition of Gleb Vyatkin is already the sixth collaborative project.
President of the Seven Winds Foundation Nikolay Yevgenyevich Malygin, art curator of the exhibition project Lyubov Arkadyevna Yakhontova, the hero of the day himself and his many friends and colleagues addressed the audience with warm words. For the opening of the exhibition and the anniversary of the artist, the Seven Winds Foundation and the Volgograd Museum published the album Gleb Vyatkin 85, which was also presented to the public.
As part of the anniversary exhibition, several more cultural events are planned, which we will report separately. The exhibition will run until October 21st.